Ask Eternity: Should I Tell Her That I'm HIV +?
Dear LSU readers, HIV/AIDS is rampant among the youth of the United States of America. Before reading this letter, one young man wrote anonymously to me, I wish for you all to really consider the facts and figures provided below ( Let them marinate within the sinews of your brain. HIV/AIDS is not a joke. It does not know race, color, gender or age- all people are equal candidates to be affected by and/or infected with HIV/AIDS, including YOU.... Wrap it up.
In the United States:
• Every 9½ minutes, someone is infected with HIV.
• An estimated 56,300 will become infected with HIV this year.
• More than 580,000 have died of AIDS since the epidemic began in 1981.
1.1 million are currently living with HIV, including 21% who are unaware
of their status.
• Young people ages 13-29 account for 34% of all new infections, the
largest share of any age group. Most young people are infected sexually.
• African Americans, although comprising only 12% of the population,
account for 46% of all new infections. Latinos, comprising 15% of the
population, account for 17% of all new infections.
• In general, racial and ethnic minorities account for 67% of those living
with HIV, and 70% of AIDS deaths
Dear Eternity,
I am 20 years old, a young man in college, who is head over heels for this woman I have known for many years. We both attended the same high school together. The love was there, I genuinely love this girl, but I haven't asked her out as a girlfriend just yet. We are just really cool friends. In my first year of college, I was messing around, feeling invincible and unfortunately my actions have caught up with me- I am HIV+. I found out recently on a doctor's visit, realized I was coughing way too much, and feeling unusually weak, lethargic. I'm in some shock, I feel out of place, I feel alone, and my world is crushing down on me. I'm back home from school, and I really want to be with this girl I have so much love for. I want her to be my girlfriend and soon-to-be wife in due time, but my health status will be an obstacle. I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to confront her about it. Should I tell her? Or, should I just keep this between me and my creator?
Dear Anonymous,
You have a lot on your plate, and this must be a difficult time for you. I empathize with you and I want you to know that you are NOT alone. Bear in mind that your medical situation does not in any way, alter the person you naturally are, and in no provable way, will obscure your aspirations of becoming successful. At this point, you should be more focused on your personal health and to ensure that you seek proper medical attention. Do some research and educate yourself on your current situation because it will be a compass in your journey to optimal health.
To answer your question Anonymous, you should tell your friend of your HIV status on the basis of two factors; 1. You can trust this individual AND 2. You decide to become sexually active with this person (safety is of utmost importance.) You must let your friend know of your status so that she can make an informed decision. Know that your actions here on out can either carve a positive path in your journey throughout life, or can catalyze negativity and misfortune.
Quite frankly, I do not recommend that you become involved in any serious relationship at this time. There is just too much going on right now. You need to allocate all your energies on the betterment of your physical health and mental well being. A relationship can create unnecessary stress and can potentially damage the friendship you have already established. Focus on your welfare right now.
I hope this response guides you in formulating your own solution to the issue presented Anonymous. I wish you all the best, and my support is always yours.
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