Ask Eternity: Pregnancy, the Ultimate Decision
Ask Eternity segment has resurfaced again, on quite a somber note. Below is the letter of a heartbroken young girl, who currently, is faced with a tough,tough decision, involving some real moral and ethic issues. Read on.
Dear Eternity,
I am 18 years old and pregnant. Right now, I feel like my world is turning upside down simply because I am so young, and my image has now been tainted. Night after night, I seek to blame others for my predicament:" well my dad was not in my life" and " my mother was always doing her own thing, seeing everyone she could possibly see in her single life," but the thing is I chose to do the things I did. Now I am 3 months pregnant, and I do not know what to do. Should I abort the baby or should I keep it? This question, I know is extremely blunt, but I am just so desperate for the unknown answers.
Dear Confused,
I read your letter and found some of your statements most profound, specifically the point you made about your image being tainted. What exactly do you mean by your image being tainted? I could only imagine that you are disappointed in yourself and your loved ones may share the same sentiments. However, you are NOT tainted. One could not fully imagine the stress and unrest you are enduring at this time. Throughout your letter you did not mention a boyfriend/relationship or "babydaddy." This in itself is telling- you should not be in this position alone. It takes two to tangle and therefore you need to discuss this pregnancy with your partner ASAP.
I respect you for stepping up to the plate by not using others as scapegoats to your predicament. The reality is that you are three months pregnant and it sounds like you are going into second-trimester pregnancy- whatever your decision is, you must seek medical attention immediately. The question of whether or not you should abort the baby, is a personal decision; this is a question all females have to answer for themselves, and quite frankly, it is a battle you must conquer on your own, with your partner as a support mechanism.
I would recommend that you seek individual and family counseling, as your venting medium. Being able to talk about how you are feeling, with an unbiased individual- naked of pre-judgments and prior knowledge of who you are and your circumstances- proves helpful in times of challenge and hardship. You may check out your local Planned Parenthood site for more information about counseling services, provided to young women and prospective mothers. I hope this answers your question.
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