Alpha Male: Women Who Seek Security = Gold Diggers???
Fellas, Life and Style Union beckons your input on this steamy topic. Neyo and Jamie Foxx introduced a fresh concept to mainstream culture with their duet smash hit "She Got Her Own." Both artists collabed to celebrate the independent woman in society. All that is good and gravy; as a matter of fact, it is about time that the seal inhibiting social and economic mobility for women, be broken, and true acknowledgement of the female work ethic and societal contribution, be diffused among us Earthlings... However, does this song, serve as a medium to reinforce the modern sentiment that women should not expect any financial gaining from their partners because they should "have their own?" Think.
While this may be true, the traditional roles of the male figure should not in any way, be obscured with the current trend - females wearing the pants. The male is the provider..."he is the doe increaser..the care taker" as Heather Headly musically bellowed in her 2002 album release "This is Who I Am," (p.s...where is she anyway??)Why is it that we are now in an age where ladies are paying their own way through dinners and movies, and they aren't even going solo? Unacceptable.
The new term for the majority of women who do seek a man who is financially secure is "gold digger." Kanye West resurrected that word from the cavern when he launched his jam "Gold Digger" featuring none other than Jamie Foxx back in 05. What is the purpose of the term Gold Digger? Is it to attach a negative connotation to a female who wants her man to be a man? Is it to alleviate a man of his responsibilities within a committed relationship- paying the bills? Spending cash on his Dulcinea? Wining and dining? Hello! Those are the bells and whistles of courtship!
Some of these rap artists glorify this term, but the question is: How can you even use sex and gold digger in the same song? Let's get down and dirty LSU... Ever heard of the bunny ranch? What about those high profile escorts who have Wall street money bandits falling over like leeches? Do you think their services are free? Not in the least; we're talking about Lambos with the cherry red interior, five carat Rolex gifts, black diamonds by the barrel! Now gentlemen, let us rewind shall we and focus on the beautiful girl next door on Elm street who you date. Is it totally inconceivable for her to want diamonds and pearls...or to be treated like the lovely goddess she is? Wait a minute, don't even entertain the idea that money doesn't mean everything. We all know that common phrase to be partially true wherein we cannot carry money to the grave. However, in all other contexts linked to life as we know it, money is number one. To further validate this perspective, let's analyze the present times- we are in economic pillage because of money. The divorce rate is highest in the US, and guess why? Because of the almighty mean green! Point made.
This article is in no way intended for that minority of females who only seek finance from their romance...The purpose of this article is to voice the aggravation and frustration many women hoard -corporate women and housewives alike-because of the term "Gold Digger." Ladies I want to view your thoughts, Gentlemen let your tenor chords be heard.
**Ashleigh Fitzwilliam- Eternity signing off**
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